Wednesday 18 June 2008

Rave new world

There are many things people like doing at raves: dancing, drinking and telling bricklayers from Croydon that they're going to best friends forever, to name just three. Now add to that list: solving international mysteries.

This summer, clubbers can take part in the White Island, an alternate reality game (ARG) that runs across club events, gigs and festivals throughout Europe.

For those not hip to these modern things, an ARG is an online game based in the real world, which allows players to join forces in order to solve puzzles, collect clues and basically just run around a lot looking confused. The twist with the White Island is that it's all based around the clubbing experience, and the organisers have roped in a load of prizes, big venues and top DJ names.

Pete Tong, who started the whole thing off when his Essential Summer tunes were "stolen" in Ibiza this weekend, is certainly enthusiastic. "The White Island brings together Ibiza's top clubs and DJs and the clubbing experience across Europe and wraps them in an innovative new format ... it's taking clubbing to a whole new level." It's also described by the company behind it as "the most ambitious ARG ever attempted" - although, let's face it, they're hardly likely to say they knocked it out over breakfast now, are they?

And whereas the PR brains have been hard at work selling the whole package as the "rave version of Lost", it does lead us to an interesting question: if Lost is hard enough to get your head around in the first place, what's it going to be like when you're surfing out of your tiny little mind on rave biscuits?

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